by altandy | Mar 8, 2017 | Uncategorized
written by Jennifer Halley I’m sure that by now many of you have sent some problems at The Rock Boxx, Salem’s first bouldering gym, which opened last October. Even the dirtbag climbers need a place to train during the Willamette Valley’s rainy winter. If you haven’t...
by altandy | Mar 1, 2017 | Trip Report
written by Jennifer Halley Quick! Get out in the snow one last time before the winter wonderland of Hoodoo is melted away and that yellow orb in the sky finally makes its appearance again (yes, it will still show up, despite those rumors). Pull on that winter...
by altandy | Feb 22, 2017 | Gear Review
written by Jennifer Halley There is something fulfilling about reading literature written on the hobbies you most enjoy – especially when you’re in the midst of winter. For me, it is because most of...
by altandy | Feb 8, 2017 | Trip Report
written by Jennifer Halley Here’s the thing about snowshoeing you should know if you don’t already: it’s absolutely amazing and you should try it, especially if you are a) an avid hiker and looking to take it up a notch or b) an avid hiker and bummed out by the...
by altandy | Feb 1, 2017 | Trip Report
written by Jennifer Halley With every sport comes the classic list of the dos and don’ts – the stuff one should take care to listen to if they don’t want their activity to be hindered by mistake after mistake. Or, as in my case, a state of exhaustion that involved...